Meet Our Staff

 Engineering and Architectural Staff
James T. Hanskat, P.E.
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering
Professional Engineer, State of Florida #49801
Professional Engineer, State of Idaho #7907
Florida Licensed Asbestos Consultant #AX0000031
Florida Licensed Radon Measurement Speccialist #R2422
Certified Level I and Level II Inffared Thermographer
Providing overall project management for the firm, Mr. Hanskat utilizes over 30 years of engineering and project management experience specializing in structural, electrical, plumbing, fire protection and mechanical inspection / design. Mr. Hanskat also utilizes over 25 years of environmental consulting experience to provide the firm with environmental consulting oversight.
Juan Fernandez
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering
Mr. Fernandez performs engineering and project management and specializes in building inspection, construction inspection and engineering design.
Angelica Bravo
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering
Ms. Bravo performs engineering, office and project management for the firm.
Environmental and Office Staff
Craig Stevens
Bachelor of Science, Geology
Provides Phase 1 and Phase 2 environmental auditing consulting for the firm. Mr. Stevens also performs Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments and geotechnical evaluations for commercial and industrical facilities.
Charlotte Bramble
Bachelor of Science
Provides Phase 1 and Phase 2 environmental auditing consulting for the firm. Ms. Bramble has performed many 100's of Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments for commercial and industrial faclities.
Gary D. Nash, CET
Certified Environmental Trainer
Providing overall hazardous material, pollution prevention and OSHA safety complicance consulting for the firm, Mr. Nash utilizes over 20 years of eperience with emergency response, environmental and OSHA safety audits with significant expertise dealing with nuclear, hazardous and biological agents. 
B. J. Stimely
Bachelor of Science
Mr. Stimely provides asbestos, indoor air quality, engineering and environmental audting consulting services for the firm. Mr. Stimely is the west coast regional manager for engineering and environmental services. 
Lois Guilbeau
As an independent consultant, Ms. Guilbeau assists with office assignments, accounting and research. She also assists with Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments for multi-family residentail, commercial and industrial facilities.
Caroline Evans
Office Assistant
Ms. Evans assists with office assignments, accounting and research. She also assists with Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments for multi-family residential, commercial and industrial facilities. 
Jay Collins
Project Manager
Mr. Collins performs engineering and environmental inspections and assists with office assignments and project coordination. As a licensed Condominium Association Manager (CAM), Mr. Collins assists with commercial property management and maintenance.
Lyn Schuler
Office Assistant
Ms. Schuler assists with office assignments, accounting and research.

Please contact us if you need any further information regarding our company. We look forward to working with you. 


home :: capabilities :: meet our staff
405 South Federal Hwy, Suite 300 • Pompano Beach, Florida 33062
(954) 946-7763
(c) 2022 Property Consulting Group, Inc.